Friday, March 3, 2006

Holy Baby Jesus Detachment.

Of critical importance are the intervening years from now until 2012. We have said this many times. Humanity's karma is to undo all that works against the interests of mankind. To “aid” this process along, earth will proceed on her path of initiation into the fifth dimension. As she moves closer into this dimension, it will cause tremors in the world of finance that currently holds the world in its grip.
We talk often of disaster of the earth changes but in reality it is a cleansing. When you clean your home thoroughly, you move furniture to get behind and clean the dirty spots. Sometimes, you may remove everything to clean more thoroughly, much like the traditional spring cleaning. This is what earth must do before she moves forward into the next dimension.
Mankind is a guest and as such must move with the cleansing process or be swept out with the wash water. Therefore, it is very likely that in the coming years of earth's cleansing you will not be able to remain where you are. You must move out of the way to allow the cleansing. This of course may require you to disrupt your whole life, think about what belongings are necessary and detach from the material, friends, and even relations. This is part of your individual evolution which of course contributes vastly to the evolution of the mass consciousness. The mental detachment from one's home and relations will be one of the greatest decisions that you will face as a light worker. For some lightworkers, their spouses or loved ones prevent or denigrate their pursuit of the Path. Many are forced to live double lives, keeping their love of spirit and purpose hidden from the family. In this case, the lightworker must learn a sense of mental detachment from those who impede his or her progress, while at the same time pursuing the Path as well as daily life. Those who are single will find less of a problem, but there are still attachments to things, objects that have served to stabilize your life and anchor it where it is. Nevertheless, these attachments must be defined as necessities if you are going to keep them

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