Monday, March 20, 2006
Mental Clairity
Sunday, March 5, 2006
Intersex conditions information:
Congenital conditions where gender is abnormal or unclear.
The list of conditions in the Intersex conditions group includes:
Androgen insensitivity syndrome - female-looking genitals on genetic male. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia - male-looking genitals on genetic female. Sex chromosome syndromes - certain chromosome conditions without the correct XX or XY pairs of sex chromosomes.
- Turner Syndrome
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Jacobs syndrome T
- riple-X syndrome
Misdiagnosis and Intersex conditions:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Intersex conditions, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Information on Lichen sclerosis
Lichen sclerosis information:
Disease causing leathery or dry skin in genital areas.
Lichen sclerosis information:
Lichen sclerosus (LIKE-in skler-O-sus) is a skin disorder that can affect men, women, or children, but is most common in women. It usually occurs on the vulva (the outer genitalia or sex organ) in women, but sometimes develops on the head of the penis in men. Occasionally, lichen sclerosus is seen on other parts of the body, especially the upper body, breasts, and upper arms.
Researching symptoms of Lichen sclerosis:
Further information about the symptoms of Lichen sclerosis is available including a list of symptoms of Lichen sclerosis, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Lichen sclerosis, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Lichen sclerosis:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Lichen sclerosis, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Lichen sclerosis:
Various information is available about treatments available for Lichen sclerosis, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Lichen sclerosis:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Lichen sclerosis, or other general information about Lichen sclerosis.
Statistics and Lichen sclerosis:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Lichen sclerosis, prevalence and incidence statistics for Lichen sclerosis, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Imperforate hymen
Imperforate hymen information:
Lack of opening in the vaginal hymen.
Researching symptoms of Imperforate hymen:
Further information about the symptoms of Imperforate hymen is available including a list of symptoms of Imperforate hymen, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Imperforate hymen: V
arious information is available about treatments available for Imperforate hymen, or research treatments for other diseases.
Information on Hypospadias
Hypospadias information:
Congenital defect with misplaced urinary opening.
Researching symptoms of Hypospadias:
Further information about the symptoms of Hypospadias is available including a list of symptoms of Hypospadias, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Hypospadias, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Hypospadias:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Hypospadias, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Hypospadias:
Various information is available about treatments available for Hypospadias, or research treatments for other diseases.
Statistics and Hypospadias:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Hypospadias, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Granuloma inguinale
Granuloma inguinale information:
Granulomous disease spread sexually.
Researching symptoms of Granuloma inguinale:
Further information about the symptoms of Granuloma inguinale is available including a list of symptoms of Granuloma inguinale, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Granuloma inguinale:
Various information is available about treatments available for Granuloma inguinale, or research treatments for other diseases.
Statistics and Granuloma inguinale:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Granuloma inguinale, prevalence and incidence statistics for Granuloma inguinale, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Human Papillomavirus
Human Papillomavirus information:
Very common sexually transmitted disease causing genital warts and associated with certain cancers.
Human Papillomavirus information:
Genital HPV infection is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the name of a group of viruses that includes more than 100 different strains or types. Over 30 of these are sexually transmitted, and they can infect the genital area, like the skin of the penis, vulva, labia, or anus, or the tissues covering the vagina and cervix.
Researching symptoms of Human Papillomavirus:
Further information about the symptoms of Human Papillomavirus is available including a list of symptoms of Human Papillomavirus, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Human Papillomavirus:
Various information is available about treatments available for Human Papillomavirus, prevention of Human Papillomavirus, current research about Human Papillomavirus treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Human Papillomavirus:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Human Papillomavirus, or other general information about Human Papillomavirus.
Statistics and Human Papillomavirus:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Human Papillomavirus, prevalence and incidence statistics for Human Papillomavirus, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea information:
Common sexually transmitted disease often without symptoms.
Gonorrhea information:
Gonorrhea is a curable sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. These bacteria can infect the genital tract, the mouth, and the rectum. In women, the opening (cervix) to the womb (uterus) from the birth canal is the first place of infection. The disease however can spread into the womb and fallopian tubes, resulting in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID affects more than 1 million women in this country every year and can cause infertility in as many as 10 percent of infected women and tubal (ectopic) pregnancy.
Researching symptoms of Gonorrhea:
Further information about the symptoms of Gonorrhea is available including a list of symptoms of Gonorrhea, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Gonorrhea, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Gonorrhea:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Gonorrhea, failure to diagnose Gonorrhea, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Gonorrhea:
Various information is available about treatments available for Gonorrhea, prevention of Gonorrhea, current research about Gonorrhea treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Gonorrhea:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Gonorrhea, or other general information about Gonorrhea.
Statistics and Gonorrhea:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Gonorrhea, prevalence and incidence statistics for Gonorrhea, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Genital warts
Genital warts information:
Genital warts often from a viral STD.
Genital warts information:
Genital warts (condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) are the most easily recognized sign of genital HPV infection. Many people, however, have a genital HPV infection without genital warts.
Researching symptoms of Genital warts:
Further information about the symptoms of Genital warts is available including a list of symptoms of Genital warts, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Genital warts:
Various information is available about treatments available for Genital warts, current research about Genital warts treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Genital warts:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Genital warts, other possibly hidden causes of Genital warts, or other general information about Genital warts.
Statistics and Genital warts:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Genital warts, prevalence and incidence statistics for Genital warts, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Genital herpes
Information on Genital herpes:
Genital herpes is an incurable STD that is spread by sexual activity including oral sex. The cause is herpes virus type 2 whereas cold sores are caused by HSV-1. Although genital herpes is incurable, it can be controlled by various drugs, and typically subsides between episodic attacks called "flares". Complications are rare but the condition can be serious in the immunosuppressed and newborn babies. Pregnant women with herpes need to discuss the issue with their doctors to avoid infection of the newborn.
Genital herpes information:
Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV -1) and type 2 (HSV-2). Most individuals have no or only minimal signs or symptoms from HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection. When signs do occur, they typically appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender ulcers (sores) that may take two to four weeks to heal the first time they occur. Typically, another outbreak can appear weeks or months after the first, but it almost always is less severe and shorter than the first episode. Although the infection can stay in the body indefinitely, the number of outbreaks tends to go down over a period of years.
Researching symptoms of Genital herpes:
Further information about the symptoms of Genital herpes is available including a list of symptoms of Genital herpes, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Genital herpes, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Genital herpes:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Genital herpes, underlying causes of Genital herpes (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Genital herpes: Various information is available about treatments available for Genital herpes, prevention of Genital herpes, current research about Genital herpes treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Genital herpes:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Genital herpes, other possibly hidden causes of Genital herpes, or other general information about Genital herpes.
Statistics and Genital herpes:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Genital herpes, prevalence and incidence statistics for Genital herpes, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Chlamydia
Chlamydia information:
Common sexually transmitted disease often without symptoms.
Chlamydia information:
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, a bacterium, which can damage a woman's reproductive organs. Because symptoms of chlamydia are mild or absent, serious complications that cause irreversible damage, including infertility, can occur "silently" before a woman ever recognizes a problem.
Researching symptoms of Chlamydia:
Further information about the symptoms of Chlamydia is available including a list of symptoms of Chlamydia, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Chlamydia, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Chlamydia:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Chlamydia, failure to diagnose Chlamydia, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Chlamydia:
Various information is available about treatments available for Chlamydia, prevention of Chlamydia, current research about Chlamydia treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Statistics and Chlamydia:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Chlamydia, prevalence and incidence statistics for Chlamydia, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Cystocele information:
Bladder falls down into the vagina.
Cystocele information:
A cystocele (SIS-tuh-seal) occurs when the wall between a woman's bladder and her vagina weakens and lets the bladder droop into the vagina. This condition may cause discomfort and problems with emptying the bladder. In some women, a fallen bladder stretches the opening into the urethra, causing urine leakage when the woman coughs, sneezes, laughs, or does any action that puts pressure on the bladder. So a bladder that has dropped from its normal position may cause two kinds of problems--unwanted urine leakage and incomplete emptying of the bladder.
Researching symptoms of Cystocele:
Further information about the symptoms of Cystocele is available including a list of symptoms of Cystocele, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Cystocele: Various information is available about treatments available for Cystocele, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Cystocele:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Cystocele, other possibly hidden causes of Cystocele, or other general information about Cystocele.
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding information:
Uterus bleeding unrelated to periods. Researching symptoms of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: Further information about the symptoms of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is available including a list of symptoms of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, underlying causes of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding:
Various information is available about treatments available for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, other possibly hidden causes of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, or other general information about Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.
Information on Dyspareunia
Dyspareunia information:
Vaginal pain after sexual intercourse.
Researching symptoms of Dyspareunia:
Further information about the symptoms of Dyspareunia is available including a list of symptoms of Dyspareunia, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Dyspareunia, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Dyspareunia:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Dyspareunia, underlying causes of Dyspareunia (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Causes of Dyspareunia:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Dyspareunia, other possibly hidden causes of Dyspareunia, or other general information about Dyspareunia.
Information on Female genital disorders
Female genital disorders information:
Any condition affecting the female genital organs.
The list of conditions in the Female genital disorders group include the Statistics and Female genital disorders:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Female genital disorders, prevalence and incidence statistics for Female genital disorders, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Bartholin's abscess
Abscess in a small vaginal gland.
Researching symptoms of Bartholin's abscess:
Further information about the symptoms of Bartholin's abscess is available including a list of symptoms of Bartholin's abscess, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Bartholin's abscess:
Various information is available about treatments available for Bartholin's abscess, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Bartholin's abscess:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Bartholin's abscess, other possibly hidden causes of Bartholin's abscess, or other general information about Bartholin's abscess.
Bartholin's cyst information:
Cyst in a small vaginal gland.
Researching symptoms of Bartholin's cyst:
Further information about the symptoms of Bartholin's cyst is available including a list of symptoms of Bartholin's cyst, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Bartholin's cyst:
Various information is available about treatments available for Bartholin's cyst, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Bartholin's cyst: Research more detailed information about the causes of Bartholin's cyst, other possibly hidden causes of Bartholin's cyst, or other general information about Bartholin's cyst.
Statistics and Bartholin's cyst:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Bartholin's cyst, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Bartholin's cyst
Bartholin's cyst information:
Cyst in a small vaginal gland.
Researching symptoms of Bartholin's cyst:
Further information about the symptoms of Bartholin's cyst is available including a list of symptoms of Bartholin's cyst, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Bartholin's cyst:
Various information is available about treatments available for Bartholin's cyst, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Bartholin's cyst:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Bartholin's cyst, other possibly hidden causes of Bartholin's cyst, or other general information about Bartholin's cyst.
Statistics and Bartholin's cyst:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Bartholin's cyst, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Candidiasis
Candidiasis information:
Fungal infection of moist areas such as mouth or vagina.
Researching symptoms of Candidiasis:
Further information about the symptoms of Candidiasis is available including a list of symptoms of Candidiasis, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Candidiasis, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Candidiasis:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Candidiasis, underlying causes of Candidiasis (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Candidiasis:
Various information is available about treatments available for Candidiasis, current research about Candidiasis treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Candidiasis:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Candidiasis, other possibly hidden causes of Candidiasis, or other general information about Candidiasis.
Statistics and Candidiasis:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Candidiasis, prevalence and incidence statistics for Candidiasis, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Chancroid
Chancroid information:
Rare sexual disease causing genital ulcers and other symptoms.
Chancroid information:
Chancroid ("shan-kroid") is an important bacterial infection caused by Haemophilus ducreyi, which is spread by sexual contact. Periodic outbreaks of chancroid have occurred in the United States, the last one being in the late 1980s. These outbreaks are usually seen in minority populations in the inner cities, especially in the southern and eastern portion of the country. Globally, this disease is common in sub-Saharan Africa among men who have frequent contact with prostitutes.
Researching symptoms of Chancroid:
Further information about the symptoms of Chancroid is available including a list of symptoms of Chancroid, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Chancroid, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Chancroid:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Chancroid, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Chancroid:
Various information is available about treatments available for Chancroid, or research treatments for other diseases.
Statistics and Chancroid:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Chancroid, prevalence and incidence statistics for Chancroid, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Pregnancy information:
The condition of supporting a fetus from conception till birth.
Researching symptoms of Pregnancy:
Further information about the symptoms of Pregnancy is available including a list of symptoms of Pregnancy, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Pregnancy, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Pregnancy:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Pregnancy, failure to diagnose Pregnancy, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Pregnancy:
Various information is available about treatments available for Pregnancy, current research about Pregnancy treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Pregnancy:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Pregnancy, or other general information about Pregnancy.
Statistics and Pregnancy:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Pregnancy, prevalence and incidence statistics for Pregnancy, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Childbirth...
Childbirth information:
Delivery of a fetus by a pregnant woman.
Misdiagnosis and Childbirth:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Childbirth, underlying causes of Childbirth (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Childbirth:
Various information is available about treatments available for Childbirth, current research about Childbirth treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Childbirth:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Childbirth, other possibly hidden causes of Childbirth, or other general information about Childbirth.
Statistics and Childbirth:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Childbirth, prevalence and incidence statistics for Childbirth, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Atrophic vaginitis
Type of vaginitis usually related to aging and menopause.
Researching symptoms of Atrophic vaginitis:
Further information about the symptoms of Atrophic vaginitis is available including a list of symptoms of Atrophic vaginitis, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Causes of Atrophic vaginitis:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Atrophic vaginitis, other possibly hidden causes of Atrophic vaginitis, or other general information about Atrophic vaginitis.
Information on Abruptio Placentae
Placental bleeding usually late in a pregnancy.
Researching symptoms of Abruptio Placentae:
Further information about the symptoms of Abruptio Placentae is available including a list of symptoms of Abruptio Placentae, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Abruptio Placentae, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Abruptio Placentae:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Abruptio Placentae, underlying causes of Abruptio Placentae (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Abruptio Placentae: Various information is available about treatments available for Abruptio Placentae, current research about Abruptio Placentae treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Abruptio Placentae:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Abruptio Placentae, other possibly hidden causes of Abruptio Placentae, or other general information about Abruptio Placentae.
Information on Amenorrhea
Absence of menstrual periods due to many possible causes.
Amenorrhea information:
The absence of a menstrual period is called Amenorrhea. This condition describes women who have not had a period in their teenage years or women who used to have a regular period that has stopped.
Researching symptoms of Amenorrhea:
Further information about the symptoms of Amenorrhea is available including a list of symptoms of Amenorrhea, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Causes of Amenorrhea:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Amenorrhea, other possibly hidden causes of Amenorrhea, or other general information about Amenorrhea.
Statistics and Amenorrhea:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Amenorrhea, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection in women of childbearing age, and it is sometimes accompanied by discharge, odor, pain, itching, or burning.
Researching symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis:
Further information about the symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis is available including a list of symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Bacterial vaginosis, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Bacterial vaginosis:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Bacterial vaginosis, underlying causes of Bacterial vaginosis (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Bacterial vaginosis:
Various information is available about treatments available for Bacterial vaginosis, prevention of Bacterial vaginosis, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Bacterial vaginosis:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Bacterial vaginosis, other possibly hidden causes of Bacterial vaginosis, or other general information about Bacterial vaginosis.
Statistics and Bacterial vaginosis:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Bacterial vaginosis, prevalence and incidence statistics for Bacterial vaginosis, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Saturday, March 4, 2006
Information on Hypogonadism
Hypogonadism information:
Gonads underproducing testosterone.
Causes of Hypogonadism:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Hypogonadism, other possibly hidden causes of Hypogonadism, or other general information about Hypogonadism.
Information on Penile candidiasis
Penile candidiasis information:
Uncommon yeast infection of male genitals.
Researching symptoms of Penile candidiasis:
Further information about the symptoms of Penile candidiasis is available including a list of symptoms of Penile candidiasis, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Causes of Penile candidiasis:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Penile candidiasis, other possibly hidden causes of Penile candidiasis, or other general information about Penile candidiasis.
Statistics and Penile candidiasis:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Penile candidiasis, prevalence and incidence statistics for Penile candidiasis, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Chlamydia information
Common sexually transmitted disease often without symptoms.
Chlamydia information:
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, a bacterium, which can damage a woman's reproductive organs. Because symptoms of chlamydia are mild or absent, serious complications that cause irreversible damage, including infertility, can occur "silently" before a woman ever recognizes a problem.
Researching symptoms of Chlamydia:
Further information about the symptoms of Chlamydia is available including a list of symptoms of Chlamydia, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Chlamydia, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Chlamydia:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Chlamydia, failure to diagnose Chlamydia, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Chlamydia:
Various information is available about treatments available for Chlamydia, prevention of Chlamydia, current research about Chlamydia treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Statistics and Chlamydia:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Chlamydia, prevalence and incidence statistics for Chlamydia, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Basic Summary for Penis Cancer Main name of condition.
What is Penis Cancer? Brief description of Penis Cancer: Cancer of the penis. Parent types of Penis Cancer: Cancer, Genital system cancer, Male sexual conditions Organs Affected by Penis Cancer: penis
How many people get Penis Cancer? Incidence (annual) of Penis Cancer: 1,200 annual cases in USA (SEER 2002 estimate) Incidence Rate of Penis Cancer: approx 1 in 226,666 or 0.00% or 1,200 people in USA [about data]
What causes Penis Cancer? Class of Condition for Penis Cancer: cancer Causes of Penis Cancer: see causes of Penis Cancer
Can anyone else get Penis Cancer? Contagion of cancer: generally not; see details in contagion of cancer.
Society issues for Penis Cancer Hospitalization statistics for Penis Cancer: The following are statistics from various sources about hospitalizations and Penis Cancer: 0.007% (826) of hospital consultant episodes were for malignant neoplasm of penis in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 95% of hospital consultant episodes for malignant neoplasm of penis required hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 100% of hospital consultant episodes for malignant neoplasm of penis were for men in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 12% of hospital consultant episodes for malignant neoplasm of penis required emergency hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 8 days was the mean length of stay in hospitals for malignant neoplasm of penis in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 5 days was the median length of stay in hospitals for malignant neoplasm of penis in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 64 was the mean age of patients hospitalised for malignant neoplasm of penis in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 35% of hospital consultant episodes for malignant neoplasm of penis occurred in 15-59 year olds in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 26% of hospital consultant episodes for malignant neoplasm of penis occurred in people over 75 in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 15% of hospital consultant episodes for malignant neoplasm of penis were single day episodes in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 0.01% (5,143) of hospital bed days were for malignant neoplasm of penis in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 0.35% (44,172) of hospital episodes were for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 91% of hospital consultations for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs required hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 100% of hospital episodes for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs were for men in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 20% of hospital admissions for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs required emergency hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 8.6 days was the mean length of stay in hospitals for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 5 days was the median length of stay in hospitals for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 67 was the mean age of patients hospitalised for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 21% of hospitalisations for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs occurred in 15-59 year olds in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 38% of hospitalisations for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs occurred in people over 75 in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 36% of hospitalisations for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs were single day episodes in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 0.39% (204,897) of hospital bed days were for malignant neoplasms of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 0.004% (456) of hospital consultant episodes were for benign neoplasm of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 99% of hospital consultant episodes for benign neoplasm of male genital organs required hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 100% of hospital consultant episodes for benign neoplasm of male genital organs were for women in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 4% of hospital consultant episodes for benign neoplasm of male genital organs required emergency hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 2.4 days was the mean length of stay in hospitals for benign neoplasm of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 2 days was the median length of stay in hospitals for benign neoplasm of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 47 was the mean age of patients hospitalised for benign neoplasm of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 61% of hospital consultant episodes for benign neoplasm of male genital organs occurred in 15-59 year olds in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 9% of hospital consultant episodes for benign neoplasm of male genital organs occurred in people over 75 in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 62% of hospital consultant episodes for benign neoplasm of male genital organs were single day episodes in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 0.0008% (417) of hospital bed days were for benign neoplasm of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 0.004% (460) of hospital consultant episodes were for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 96% of hospital consultant episodes for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs required hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 100% of hospital consultant episodes for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs were for men in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 13% of hospital consultant episodes for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs required emergency hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 3.2 days was the mean length of stay in hospitals for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 2 days was the median length of stay in hospitals for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 53 was the mean age of patients hospitalised for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 51% of hospital consultant episodes for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs occurred in 15-59 year olds in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 21% of hospital consultant episodes for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs occurred in people over 75 in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 30% of hospital consultant episodes for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs were single day episodes in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03) 0.002% (986) of hospital bed days were for neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
Hard lump on the penis often causing bending.
Peyronie's disease information:
Peyronie's disease, a condition of uncertain cause, is characterized by a plaque, or hard lump, that forms on the penis. The plaque develops on the upper or lower side of the penis in layers containing erectile tissue. It begins as a localized inflammation and can develop into a hardened scar.
Researching symptoms of Peyronie's disease:
Further information about the symptoms of Peyronie's disease is available including a list of symptoms of Peyronie's disease, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Treatments for Peyronie's disease:
Various information is available about treatments available for Peyronie's disease, current research about Peyronie's disease treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Peyronie's disease:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Peyronie's disease, other possibly hidden causes of Peyronie's disease, or other general information about Peyronie's disease.
Statistics and Peyronie's disease:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Peyronie's disease, prevalence and incidence statistics for Peyronie's disease, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Chancroid information: Chancroid ("shan-kroid") is an important bacterial infection caused by Haemophilus ducreyi, which is spread by sexual contact. Periodic outbreaks of chancroid have occurred in the United States, the last one being in the late 1980s. These outbreaks are usually seen in minority populations in the inner cities, especially in the southern and eastern portion of the country. Globally, this disease is common in sub-Saharan Africa among men who have frequent contact with prostitutes. 1
Researching symptoms of Chancroid: Further information about the symptoms of Chancroid is available including a list of symptoms of Chancroid, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Chancroid, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Chancroid: Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Chancroid, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Chancroid: Various information is available about treatments available for Chancroid, or research treatments for other diseases.
Statistics and Chancroid: Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Chancroid, prevalence and incidence statistics for Chancroid, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Chlamydia information
Common sexually transmitted disease often without symptoms.
Chlamydia information:
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, a bacterium, which can damage a woman's reproductive organs. Because symptoms of chlamydia are mild or absent, serious complications that cause irreversible damage, including infertility, can occur "silently" before a woman ever recognizes a problem.
Researching symptoms of Chlamydia:
Further information about the symptoms of Chlamydia is available including a list of symptoms of Chlamydia, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Chlamydia, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Chlamydia:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Chlamydia, failure to diagnose Chlamydia, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Chlamydia:
Various information is available about treatments available for Chlamydia, prevention of Chlamydia, current research about Chlamydia treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Statistics and Chlamydia:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Chlamydia, prevalence and incidence statistics for Chlamydia, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Genital herpes is an incurable STD that is spread by sexual activity including oral sex. The cause is herpes virus type 2 whereas cold sores are caused by HSV-1. Although genital herpes is incurable, it can be controlled by various drugs, and typically subsides between episodic attacks called "flares". Complications are rare but the condition can be serious in the immunosuppressed and newborn babies. Pregnant women with herpes need to discuss the issue with their doctors to avoid infection of the newborn.
Genital herpes information:
Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV -1) and type 2 (HSV-2). Most individuals have no or only minimal signs or symptoms from HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection. When signs do occur, they typically appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender ulcers (sores) that may take two to four weeks to heal the first time they occur. Typically, another outbreak can appear weeks or months after the first, but it almost always is less severe and shorter than the first episode. Although the infection can stay in the body indefinitely, the number of outbreaks tends to go down over a period of years.
Researching symptoms of Genital herpes:
Further information about the symptoms of Genital herpes is available including a list of symptoms of Genital herpes, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Genital herpes, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Genital herpes:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Genital herpes, underlying causes of Genital herpes (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Genital herpes: Various information is available about treatments available for Genital herpes, prevention of Genital herpes, current research about Genital herpes treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Genital herpes:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Genital herpes, other possibly hidden causes of Genital herpes, or other general information about Genital herpes.
Statistics and Genital herpes:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Genital herpes, prevalence and incidence statistics for Genital herpes, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Trichomoniasis information
Sexually transmitted parasitic infection.
Trichomoniasis information:
Trichomonas vaginalis is a microscopic parasite found worldwide. Infection with trichomonas is called trichomoniasis (trick-oh-moe-nye-uh-sis). Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, mainly affecting 16-to-35-year old women. In the United States, it is estimated that 2 million women become infected each year.
Researching symptoms of Trichomoniasis:
Further information about the symptoms of Trichomoniasis is available including a list of symptoms of Trichomoniasis, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Trichomoniasis, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Trichomoniasis:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Trichomoniasis, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Trichomoniasis:
Various information is available about treatments available for Trichomoniasis, prevention of Trichomoniasis, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Trichomoniasis:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Trichomoniasis, or other general information about Trichomoniasis.
Statistics and Trichomoniasis:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Trichomoniasis, prevalence and incidence statistics for Trichomoniasis, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Lichen sclerosis
Disease causing leathery or dry skin in genital areas.
Lichen sclerosis information:
Lichen sclerosus (LIKE-in skler-O-sus) is a skin disorder that can affect men, women, or children, but is most common in women. It usually occurs on the vulva (the outer genitalia or sex organ) in women, but sometimes develops on the head of the penis in men. Occasionally, lichen sclerosus is seen on other parts of the body, especially the upper body, breasts, and upper arms.
Researching symptoms of Lichen sclerosis:
Further information about the symptoms of Lichen sclerosis is available including a list of symptoms of Lichen sclerosis, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Lichen sclerosis, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Lichen sclerosis:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Lichen sclerosis, or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Lichen sclerosis:
Various information is available about treatments available for Lichen sclerosis, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Lichen sclerosis:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Lichen sclerosis, or other general information about Lichen sclerosis.
Statistics and Lichen sclerosis:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Lichen sclerosis, prevalence and incidence statistics for Lichen sclerosis, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Male infertility
Male infertility accounts for reportedly 30-40% of cases of infertility of couples.
Causes of Male infertility:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Male infertility, other possibly hidden causes of Male infertility, or other general information about Male infertility.
Statistics and Male infertility:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Male infertility, prevalence and incidence statistics for Male infertility, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Orchitis
Testicle inflammation.
Researching symptoms of Orchitis:
Further information about the symptoms of Orchitis is available including a list of symptoms of Orchitis, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Orchitis, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Orchitis:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Orchitis, underlying causes of Orchitis (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Orchitis:
Various information is available about treatments available for Orchitis, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Orchitis:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Orchitis, other possibly hidden causes of Orchitis, or other general information about Orchitis.
Statistics and Orchitis:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Orchitis, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Autoimmune orchitis
Autoimmune orchitis information:
Testes inflammation from autoimmune causes.
Information on Hypogonadism
Hypogonadism information:
Gonads underproducing testosterone.
Causes of Hypogonadism:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Hypogonadism, other possibly hidden causes of Hypogonadism, or other general information about Hypogonadism.
Information on Testicular Cancer
Testicular Cancer information:
Cancer of the testes.
Researching symptoms of Testicular Cancer:
Further information about the symptoms of Testicular Cancer is available including a list of symptoms of Testicular Cancer, other diseases that might have similar symptoms in differential diagnosis of Testicular Cancer, or alternatively return to research other symptoms in the symptom center.
Misdiagnosis and Testicular Cancer:
Research more detailed information about misdiagnosis of Testicular Cancer, underlying causes of Testicular Cancer (possibly misdiagnosed), or research misdiagnosis of other diseases.
Treatments for Testicular Cancer: Various information is available about treatments available for Testicular Cancer, prevention of Testicular Cancer, current research about Testicular Cancer treatments, or research treatments for other diseases.
Causes of Testicular Cancer:
Research more detailed information about the causes of Testicular Cancer, other possibly hidden causes of Testicular Cancer, or other general information about Testicular Cancer.
Statistics and Testicular Cancer:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Testicular Cancer, prevalence and incidence statistics for Testicular Cancer, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Information on Impotence
Causes of Penis Cancer
Research more detailed information about the causes of Penis Cancer, other possibly hidden causes of Penis Cancer, or other general information about Penis Cancer.
Statistics and Penis Cancer:
Various sources and calculations are available in statistics about Penis Cancer, prevalence and incidence statistics for Penis Cancer, and you can also research other medical statistics in our statistics center.
Penis Cancer as a complication:
Other conditions that might have Penis Cancer as a complication might be potential underlying causes of Penis Cancer. The list of conditions listing Penis Cancer as a complication in our database includes:
Human Papillomavirus Lichen sclerosis What causes Penis Cancer?: Related information for Penis Cancer causes, as with all medical conditions, there may be many causal factors. Further relevant information on causes of Penis Cancer may be found in the risk factors for Penis Cancer, medications that may cause Penis Cancer, contagiousness for Penis Cancer, genetics of Penis Cancer, and underlying causes of Penis Cancer.
Misdiagnosis of Underlying Causes of Penis Cancer About underlying conditions: With a diagnosis of Penis Cancer, it is important to consider whether there is an underlying condition causing Penis Cancer. These are other medical conditions that may possibly cause Penis Cancer. For general information on this form of misdiagnosis, see Underlying Condition Misdiagnosis or Overview of Misdiagnosis.
Penis Cancer as a complication: Other conditions that might have Penis Cancer as a complication might be potential underlying conditions. The list of conditions listing Penis Cancer as a complication includes:
1. Human Papillomavirus
2. Lichen sclerosis
Nonaffective Psychosis
About prevalence and incidence statistics in general for Nonaffective Psychosis:
The word 'prevalence' of Nonaffective Psychosis usually means the estimated population of people who are managing Nonaffective Psychosis at any given time (i.e. people with Nonaffective Psychosis). The term 'incidence' of Nonaffective Psychosis means the annual diagnosis rate, or the number of new cases of Nonaffective Psychosis diagnosed each year (i.e. getting Nonaffective Psychosis).
Hence, these two statistics types can differ:
a short disease like flu can have high annual incidence but low prevalence, but a life-long disease like diabetes has a low annual incidence but high prevalence. For more information see about prevalence and incidence statistics.
Friday, March 3, 2006
General information about signs and symptoms of Depressive disorders.
Symptom; Depressive symptoms Depressive symptoms
Information on Depression
In some cases, the term "depression" will refer to full clinical depression. Other uses of the term may refer to the cluster of depressive disorders of which clinical depression is the most severe type. As mentioned above, the term "depression" may simply refer to depressive symptoms like sadness or down moods.
Diagnosis of depression is not always easy and an underlying cause is always possible. Depressive symptoms could be caused by an emotional upset (e.g. grief, divorce, job loss, etc), by drug abuse, or several other causes. Feeling "depressed" a few days after a major life crisis does not warrant a diagnosis of depression, and in fact taking antidepressants may be an inappropriate treatment in this case (e.g. they may avoid the healthy sequence of coping with grief or loss). However, over-diagnosis of depression and over-prescription of antidepressants in such situations is known to occur. Another possible over-diagnosis of depression is caused by the cycle of emotional symptoms that arise from premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Depressive symptoms may also indicate some type of underlying physical medical disorder. Various related depression-like physical symptoms (e.g. fatigue, lethargy, weakness, tiredness) could be symptoms of an underlying condition such as chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease or several other possible underlying conditions and alternative diagnoses.
Information on Dysthymia
Dysthymia information: This less severe yet typically more chronic form of depression is diagnosed when depressed mood persists for at least one year in children or adolescents and is accompanied by at least two other symptoms of major depression. Dysthymia is associated with an increased risk for developing major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse. Treatment of dysthmia may prevent the deterioration to more severe illness. If dysthymia is suspected in a young patient, referral to a mental health specialist is indicated for a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and appropriate treatment. 1
Information on Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder information: There is a tendency to romanticize bipolar disorder. Many artists, musicians and writers have suffered from its mood swings. But in truth, many lives are ruined by this disease; and without effective treatment, the illness is associated with an increased risk of suicide.
Depressive disorders information
Depressive disorders information: A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. People with a depressive illness cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help most people who suffer from depression.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia General information [1]
Symptoms of Schizophrenia: People with psychosis may hear "voices" or have strange and illogical ideas (for example, thinking that others can hear their thoughts, or are trying to harm them, or that they are the President of the United States or some other famous person). They may get excited or angry for no apparent reason, or spend a lot of time by themselves, or in bed, sleeping during the day and staying awake at night. The person may neglect appearance, not bathing or changing clothes, and may be hard to talk to--barely talking or saying things that make no sense. They often are initially unaware that their condition is an illness.1
The illness, which may impair a person's ability to manage emotions, interact with others, and think clearly, typically develops in the late teens or early twenties. Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking, and social withdrawal.2
People with schizophrenia often suffer terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices not heard by others, or believing that other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. These symptoms may leave them fearful and withdrawn. Their speech and behavior can be so disorganized that they may be incomprehensible or frightening to others.
The first signs of schizophrenia often appear as confusing, or even shocking, changes in behavior. Coping with the symptoms of schizophrenia can be especially difficult for family members who remember how involved or vivacious a person was before they became ill. The sudden onset of severe psychotic symptoms is referred to as an “acute” phase of schizophrenia. “Psychosis,” a common condition in schizophrenia, is a state of mental impairment marked by hallucinations, which are disturbances of sensory perception, and/or delusions, which are false yet strongly held personal beliefs that result from an inability to separate real from unreal experiences. Less obvious symptoms, such as social isolation or withdrawal, or unusual speech, thinking, or behavior, may precede, be seen along with, or follow the psychotic symptoms.
Some people have only one such psychotic episode; others have many episodes during a lifetime, but lead relatively normal lives during the interim periods. However, the individual with “chronic” schizophrenia, or a continuous or recurring pattern of illness, often does not fully recover normal functioning and typically requires long-term treatment, generally including medication, to control the symptoms. People with schizophrenia may have perceptions of reality that are strikingly different from the reality seen and shared by others around them. Living in a world distorted by hallucinations and delusions, individuals with schizophrenia may feel frightened, anxious, and confused. In part because of the unusual realities they experience, people with schizophrenia may behave very differently at various times. Sometimes they may seem distant, detached, or preoccupied and may even sit as rigidly as a stone, not moving for hours or uttering a sound. Other times they may move about constantly – always occupied, appearing wide-awake, vigilant, and alert.
Hallucinations and illusions are disturbances of perception that are common in people suffering from schizophrenia. Hallucinations are perceptions that occur without connection to an appropriate source. Although hallucinations can occur in any sensory form – auditory (sound), visual (sight), tactile (touch), gustatory (taste), and olfactory (smell) – hearing voices that other people do not hear is the most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia. Voices may describe the patient’s activities, carry on a conversation, warn of impending dangers, or even issue orders to the individual. Illusions, on the other hand, occur when a sensory stimulus is present but is incorrectly interpreted by the individual.
Delusions are false personal beliefs that are not subject to reason or contradictory evidence and are not explained by a person’s usual cultural concepts. Delusions may take on different themes. For example, patients suffering from paranoid-type symptoms – roughly one-third of people with schizophrenia – often have delusions of persecution, or false and irrational beliefs that they are being cheated, harassed, poisoned, or conspired against. These patients may believe that they, or a member of the family or someone close to them, are the focus of this persecution. In addition, delusions of grandeur, in which a person may believe he or she is a famous or important figure, may occur in schizophrenia. Sometimes the delusions experienced by people with schizophrenia are quite bizarre; for instance, believing that a neighbor is controlling their behavior with magnetic waves; that people on television are directing special messages to them; or that their thoughts are being broadcast aloud to others.
Schizophrenia often affects a person’s ability to “think straight.” Thoughts may come and go rapidly; the person may not be able to concentrate on one thought for very long and may be easily distracted, unable to focus attention. People with schizophrenia may not be able to sort out what is relevant and what is not relevant to a situation. The person may be unable to connect thoughts into logical sequences, with thoughts becoming disorganized and fragmented. This lack of logical continuity of thought, termed “thought disorder,” can make conversation very difficult and may contribute to social isolation. If people cannot make sense of what an individual is saying, they are likely to become uncomfortable and tend to leave that person alone.
People with schizophrenia often show “blunted” or “flat” affect. This refers to a severe reduction in emotional expressiveness. A person with schizophrenia may not show the signs of normal emotion, perhaps may speak in a monotonous voice, have diminished facial expressions, and appear extremely apathetic. The person may withdraw socially, avoiding contact with others; and when forced to interact, he or she may have nothing to say, reflecting “impoverished thought.” Motivation can be greatly decreased, as can interest in or enjoyment of life. In some severe cases, a person can spend entire days doing nothing at all, even neglecting basic hygiene. These problems with emotional expression and motivation, which may be extremely troubling to family members and friends, are symptoms of schizophrenia – not character flaws or personal weaknesses.
There is a common notion that schizophrenia is the same as "split personality” – a Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde switch in character, but "This is not correct".
Jnana is knowledge
Spiritual Fakes
We've already mentioned the many fakes in the world. They are encamped alongside the numerous spiritual paths, especially. In a world where millions of young people will adore and acclaim rock musicians as sovereigns of their hearts and minds, it isn't surprising that many "spiritual fakes" captivate large audiences too.
Just as musicians, movie actors, and great public personalities strive to find out what people want and then become well-paid experts in fulfilling that great public need (however adolescent it may be), spiritual fakes find the U.S.A. and other technologically developed, but spiritually naive countries, lands of great opportunity. You must keep your eyes open as you search for true fulfillment.
One young lady wished to know the art of spiritual belly dancing and if belly dancing would improve the flows of energy in her spine, thus enabling her to experience higher consciousness. Her instructor, after teaching the basic moves, required that she dance around the room and then he detoured her into his bedroom. Similarly, another young lady sought initiation from a famous guru — at least that is what he was called. He advised her to come that evening for her initiation. When she arrived he seduced her — as she perplexedly cooperated. She has been undergoing extensive psychoanalysis for years.
Fakes are a part of the way of the world today — in so many fields — so you have the added challenge of maintaining your joy and good will as you sift through occasional fakes to find a true teacher or genuine devotees. When someone seeks to take advantage of you, move on quickly.
It's pretty much up to you whether you will respond to fakes and challenges in a loving, strong, mature way. If you have what it takes, you will not throw your life away because of the delusions of another person.
Marvelous Time
This is a marvelous time in your life. The beginning of your quest will demonstrate to you how much goodness abides in the world, and how many millions of kind and dedicated people there are. You will begin to find that you feel at home in the presence of devotees of different paths. You'll have more optimism for the future of the world because these fine people are forces for good, are excellent examples of what human life can be. You'll admire them and how they maintain their values and goals while performing their various callings in the world. Carpenters, housewives, executives, students — they occupy most every profession with love and a sweet, kindly distinction. They are generally very good in their particular professions, too, because they're able to bring so much of their higher consciousness into their daily work. Also, their family lives reflect profound idealism.
You will also meet people who are on the spiritual path by default. They're not endeavoring to grow or contribute anything to their paths, nor are they planning to put aside their fantasies and actually experience the higher consciousness. They're on the path to higher consciousness because they find tolerance and acceptance. They find forgiveness and a sense of worth. They often find financial and other help as well. They have temporarily escaped from their responsibilities and from their problems. Love them. Your love is powerful and helps people change.
Choosing Your Path
Do you want to go forward? Keep the aforementioned points in mind. Maintain your joy and your enthusiasm. They're of tremendous benefit. Further, the path you're seeking must suit your nature. It must fit and harmonize with your attributes. You should consider whether you are dominantly a thinking person, an emotional person, or a person who is most comfortable in the development of the will nature. The path you seek must enable you a greater realization of your true nature and show you how to express that nature in your daily life as higher consciousness unfolds.
Also, the path you choose must meet your needs. It must enable you to become more conscious, and to give of yourself in a way that transforms you. You must also be able to receive from your path the inspiration, encouragement, knowledge, and the help you need in order to go forward. Your path must help you to clarify and improve your sense of values. You must be enabled, through your path, to grow regularly. It must help you to go forward and unfold into new dimensions of awareness, love, and well being. It must be this dynamic. If you're not growing, you're going in the opposite direction. In fact, you're actually dying.
"Your path must also encourage your moral sense to become more clarified and mature. It must strengthen your moral nature and not tear it down. Your path must help you overcome character flaws and enable you to become a better person.
Whatever path you choose, it must have the characteristics listed above. If you cannot find these characteristics in your path at present, look more deeply. If you look deeply and still do not find the necessary factors for fulfillment, continue your search — travel on.
Keep Your Joy
As you walk your path, or run along it, never let your precious joy slip away.
If (shudder) you happen to check yourself for joy some morning and find it missing, spend each day realigning your life with your early joy. The exuberance of your beginning will prevail. This inner presence as if another life whelling inside you, become one with it, become the presence, the character, This joy. As if another life form, symboint let it merge with you, ehlp you complete your circle of life.
Sample Happily
Travel. Visit. Attend services. Go to temples, mosques, synagogues. Look into New Thought churches and the marvelous mainstream churches which are often ignored and which have so much to contribute to one who has a humble and genuine yearning. Never visit these places only to take. A taking attitude forestalls any progress whatever on the path. Your path will involve giving in one way or another. When you visit these different places, give of yourself. Be generous in your contribution. Be generous in sharing your voice and your attention. To sit as a skeptic in judgment upon others reflects extraordinary immaturity and most likely presages failure on the path; you are not strong enough yet to make it.
"Go forward. Have fun. Keep up your momentum. It's possible that years will be spent readying yourself for your true teacher. But these years are so precious and must be wisely used. Your enthusiasm and joy will tend to wane when the possibilities of higher consciousness are no longer blazingly new to your mind and heart. Pressures of mundane life will tend to take you away from your intensity and your enthusiasm. Keep alive. Stay alive. Sample happily and well. Enjoy to the full the beginning you are making, for a good beginning is perhaps as much as twenty-five percent of the entire quest. A good beginning gives you momentum. With proper study and mature consideration of the views of others you will gain the balance and the insight necessary to be ready to grow most rapidly when your Teacher appears.
A Humble Seeker Begins the pilgrimage
Go out to various truth centers. Explore the main different paths of the world. Find out what they have to share. Compare. Contrast. Ask. Think. Be a humble seeker.
As you seek higher awareness, you will meet a number of the finest people in the world. Those who have experienced higher consciousness in no way wish to limit or delay you in your quest. They consider themselves your brothers and sisters and will do whatever they can to help you find and stay on your path. They will encourage you. At night they will be praying for you. They will delight in your further growth and in your steadfastness toward your goal. Then, too, when you succeed, they will simply look at you and they will know that you have found the pearl of great price, the treasure of treasures.
As you progress, you will form deeply satisfying relationships. Friendships with people of kindred spirit are most precious. You will very likely begin to form a number of lifelong friendships. You will never forget those who helped you begin your quest. You will never forget their love and good will, their cheerfulness and genuine wisdom. Your new friends will share their experiences with you, inspiring you through troubled times and fair.
Go to bookstores. Buy dozens of books. Read widely. Feel free to disagree with what you read. Feel free to agree also. Notice which books feed your mind and heart most but, above all, maintain your joy and your focus on higher consciousness. It's important to be a discriminating reader, not a foolish one. You have to be alert for substance and inspiration, avoiding sheer fantasy. However, in avoiding fantasy you can also become too skeptical. Strive to experience what you read as a whole person — spiritually and emotionally, as well as mentally. Just remember, nothing can satisfy the unenlightened mind when it's on a doubting spree.
Remember not to spend all your spare time reading. Your body needs exercise. Your emotions need attention. Your spirit needs prayer and meditation. Don't overdevelop your mind while ignoring the rest of you — as many people who become strange do. In maintaining wholeness and inner harmony, you will enable your higher consciousness to help you sift through and evaluate whatever you read.
Two-Fold Effect
The early delight in the quest can have a two-fold effect:
1. People who experience the initial delights sometimes believe the phenomena they've experienced indicate they're enlightened. Yet such "aspirants" will likely be somewhere else, practicing sword fighting or mountain climbing by next year. They often feel they've received in a few months what people generally have to labor years for and, now that they've gained "the illumination" or know what's what, there are other more interesting and exciting fields to move into.
2. The early and usually joyous beginning of the quest prepares one for the greater joys and challenges ahead. Work and effort will be required. An intensity will be necessary in order to transform old habits into refined tendencies and attributes of character necessary to actually experience the higher consciousness and ultimately abide in it. If the beginning of the path is to be more than an adolescent romance or crush, the forward momentum will have to be maintained. Higher consciousness requires those who want more than early thrills to begin — in however much delight — a very serious undertaking: You must now determine the best path for your fulfillment in higher consciousness.
Earnestly Seek
Earnestly Seek:
You must earnestly seek the best means, the best way, to go from where you are this very moment toward realization of your higher consciousness. Just as choosing a career involves a lot of pressure because a bad choice can saddle you with years of misery or frustration, so too the correct selection of your particular path is crucial not only to your success but to your happiness along the way.
Curiously, however, as many ministers have observed, most people take more care investing one hundred dollars than they do investing their lives. People look more deeply into the security and investment of a small sum than in examining the crucial issues of personal security and fulfillment.
"The world is full of long-term seekers who are always beginning over again as they drift from one teacher to another. They drift from guru to master, from mystic center to ashram to pagoda, from one sect which claims it alone knows the truth to another sect which makes similar claims. These drifters never succeed. They're always starting. They never finish. They're called "tramps," and are a sad sight on the path. They're so numerous that you will meet many of them. You may probably wonder why they don't persist, why they don't go forward and succeed. Simply, they're refugees from their own private civil war. They have somehow been inwardly restrained from succeeding or fulfilling their quest.
Tramp Seekers
"Tramp seekers" often know more techniques and are personally familiar with more important people than you know, but tramps are very dangerous to follow. If you give these unfortunate people much of your time and attention, they will likely confuse you. They make it difficult for you to choose your particular way and succeed. These tramps often want to pull you away to another teacher, to another school of thought. They continually create a conflict of choice within your mind. To follow them is to become a tramp at an early stage. You will be doing something else next year, feeling that having higher consciousness is not that important. Perhaps next year you will feel it doesn't even exist. Or worse, you may advocate from within the large tramp chorus that your fantasies are "true reality," and imagination is higher consciousness!
However, with this precaution — "beware of tramps" — clearly in your mind, the time has come for you to actively search for the best means of realizing your higher consciousness. Hardly ever can you achieve it by sitting in your room reading books or meditating in an untutored way. Even these lessons can at best be only a guide, only a friendly help, along the stages of your quest. Hopefully, this website will enable you to find the means — the right teacher, the right form of study, the right form of discipline — such that you can make rapid progress and fulfill your earnest desire to know your higher consciousness.
When you are ready the master shall appear, LOL.
A friend of the author's from India related that as a young man he searched throughout his country in the hope he would find a true Guru who would initiate him and help him realize higher consciousness. Unfortunately, all he found were fakes interested only in his money and, after a few years, he abandoned the search. Later, when he was doing engineering work and other activities in the San Francisco area, he found his Guru, who quickly helped him realize higher consciousness. His Guru was from India and had been living only fifty miles from my friend's home in Bombay!
You will often hear the phrase that "When you are ready, the master will appear." If, as you begin your quest, you do not find a capable and worthy teacher who lives what he teaches and practices what he preaches, then look to your readiness. You are probably not ready. It is a law: When you are ready, your master will appear.
My Path
If you 1) prepare yourself and 2) are wary of tramps, you are now ready to ask the basic question: "What is the best way or path for my discovery of higher consciousness?"
At this stage in your life a lavish banquet is spread before you. Numerous ways to higher consciousness look delightfully appealing. But you must sample the various offerings with a view to selecting one soon. If you go about the early days of your sublime banqueting with an attitude that you are truly seeking to find the best means for your discovery of the higher consciousness, you will be guided safely through an amazing array of possibilities. You will find some possibilities are genuine and profound but they don't suit your nature; you will also find other possibilities are definitely wacky and not worth much of your time.
Also keep in mind that you are daily seeking to become more conscious. You will find it a safe rule of thumb that during this sampling and tasting phase of your exciting new life you can easily determine whether a particular path or school of thought or teacher is good for you if you truly become a more conscious, better person as a consequence of your contact.
"You will likely find a number of fake teachers who want to convince you to follow them. Usually they treat you in a manner that satisfies or exalts your ego — your desire to be important. Fake teachers often feel that if they convince you how great you are, you will then — feeling great and important — be willing to do whatever they say or imply. Flattery on this path, as in any other area, is poison. There is a distinct difference between flattery and praise. Flattery will tend to puff up your ego; praise will make you humble and appreciative. Beware of flatterers — especially on the quest of higher consciousness which has so much latitude for fluffy nothings.
A great deal of emperor's clothing is being sold by the yard in little booths alongside the various paths today. But don't be discouraged — be forewarned. Be aware of your joy; resonate with the thrill of your aspirations. Just don't be a naive, unconscious person. Don't be childish at a time like this. You are seeking the greater values of life. The places you look, the people you meet, should reflect your higher values.
A Traveler
In your eagerness to grow, along with your freedom from "the yearning disease," you will be a bright light, a cheery face, and a harmonious influence in the lives of the dissatisfied. As they move forward, confused about their goals, accepting new possibilities only to reject them, and then sometimes rushing back to seek once again the rejected goal, you will be, in your steadiness, a fine inspiration.
If you find yourself on this freeway toward higher consciousness and you recognize you are a traveler due to your yearning, dissatisfaction, confusion, or perplexity — welcome! Many have come this way before you and have succeeded. If you yearn to know what's worth doing, your question is not regarded as nihilistic by your fellow travelers. Come along. In the meantime, don't stop taking an active part in life, whether or not it makes sense to you. Do! Be about. Be active and perform the work that comes most easily to your hand. Retain your ability to do. Retain your skill in action. Your present abilities will become very, very useful when you find your higher consciousness.
If you view the world and your peers as being very confused, surely you can feel deep compassion for them. Surely you would not condemn them but lend a helping hand, would you not? There is always something you can do. Even if it seems insignificant to your state of mind, there are many ways you can contribute something.
"Do you feel you are confused about yourself, that you do not even know who you are? Great philosophers had the same problem — Mahatma Gandhi and Benjamin Franklin, for example. Gandhi studied his life and himself with painstaking honesty for years and years. Franklin, the genius who helped draft the Declaration of Independence, was mainly self-taught. On his own he worked through mathematics manuals, scientific journals, foreign languages, and daily exercises in character development. From youth through advanced old age, Franklin's life was a quest for Truth. What made Gandhi, Franklin, and dozens of others great was they did everything they could to resolve their yearnings and satisfy their questions.
Whether you're an eager traveler seeking the benefits of higher consciousness, or a driven traveler desperate for satisfaction and meaning, you're traveling in the same direction. You're sharing the same freeway and most of the events along the way. While this road to higher consciousness is the road of highest joy, and while a sense of well being and greater wisdom develops quite regularly, you should be warned that there will likely be times of despair. When you travel this road, loved ones and business acquaintances may wonder why. The goal seems so shining and clear to you, yet others who know you cannot sense or perceive your goal at all. They may feel, and express themselves quite emotionally, that you're wasting your time or your resources. They may say you're wasting your time becoming a nothing when you could become someone great. "Superstition, abstraction, unreality," they say. Friends may accuse you of striving to escape from the facts of life, or from the fun of life if your choices for growth are in conflict with their ways of celebrating life. If they can't see what you're doing and in no way comprehend what you're striving to do, and if they think the deprecatory words they're saying are for your good, you will have to incorporate your despair and their lack of understanding into your quest. Let the obstructions of their unkindness become motivating forces which compel you to succeed. Your compassion and love, along with the strength that you must develop, will be extremely valuable as you enter higher consciousness. If you will be kind, or strong, or strive as best you can to love and serve those who oppose you, you will become successful. Those who are against you today may one day consider you great. They may deem it an honor to have known you way back when you glimpsed the reality of a higher.
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